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Micromapping on Magical sketchbooks

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Micromapping on Magical sketchbooks
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The workshop would be an introduction to the tool: vvvv.
The final goal for the participants is to actually create a mixture of drawing and projections on sketchbooks.
(see this installation projected on a wall: )

The trick is to project pixels on an existing canvas with some sensors that enlight and make the drawing alive.

A very nice example of this technique is that you can build poetic machinery with just a pen and some white pixels.

This technique can also be applied on a wall with graffiti artists.

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

People would need to bring laptops able to run vvvv (Windows, or bootcamp)
We can have 1 laptop for 2 people.

For this workshop, there are 2 options:
- 1 projector for 2 sketchbooks. (ie 5 or more projectors for 10+ attendies)
Top projection on a sketchbook lying on a table.

- 1 big projector for 1 collaborative piece on a wall.

  • Workshop



Canada Montreal, France Nantes


LPM 2013 Mex
LPM 2013 Mex
vendredi, 25 janvier 2013