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Sonification and Visualization

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Sonification and Visualization
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The desire of artists to relate hearing and seeing to each other is part of a long history: the focus was always to produce a close connection between sound and image, music and colors. But what does it mean describe this relationship in the time of datascapes, algorithms and environmental design?
Starting from the early experiments in this field, we'll look into the current status of this kind of composition. Keywords will be: #performance #live and #audiovisuology. The aim is to create a map of artistic experiences, trying to let link these words with the concepts of "event" and "atmosphere".

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

computer to show images and video, projector, sound system

  • Lecture


Elisa Cuciniello
Elisa Cuciniello

Italy Roma


LPM 2015 Rome
LPM 2015 Rome
vendredi, 29 mai 2015