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[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] ODD ( V-Records / Berlin )

The unit >>ODD<< is a very witty japan-sytle technocratic retroclash project by Daisuke PAK based in Berlin.

Kind of odd, eh? Is often the first comment, when somebody hears the music of ODD [oh de: de:].

This is hardly sursprising because Daisuke Pak is producing elaborated odd electronic dance music for more than ten years.

In 1995, he bought his first sampler...
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] ODD ( V-Records / Berlin )

The unit >>ODD<< is a very witty japan-sytle technocratic retroclash project by Daisuke PAK based in Berlin.

Kind of odd, eh? Is often the first comment, when somebody hears the music of ODD [oh de: de:].

This is hardly sursprising because Daisuke Pak is producing elaborated odd electronic dance music for more than ten years.

In 1995, he bought his first sampler and formed with his high school friends an improvising performance

band named Oil Fish. However, their performances were a little bit too extreme for the people of his hometown - Hiroshima and it consequently became more and more difficult to play there.

So he moved to Himeji in 1997, and there he started his new career as ODD. After two years of his activities

as ODD in Japan, he has moved to Europe, playing live gigs in Paris.

In 2001, Daisuke PAK has finally transferred his base of musical activities to Berlin in 2002, and since then he has played in Berlin clubs at Maria, Toresor, Cafe Moskau, Bastard.

He also made a lot of live performances in Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Sweden, Denmark,Czech, Poland and Japan.

In 2004, ODD joined Clubtrancemediale'04 in Berlin (Their song was on the compilation CD), Fusion Festival '04, Contact Europe VJ Festival '04 (Germany), Tokyo style in Stockholm (Sweden) and LE BARATHON #3 (France).

ODD are, of course, collaborating with other artists. For example, as Rapper in Torpedo Boyz, remixing . live performance with vj as ODD + vj chuuu.

In 2007, first EP "Kwai Raku EP" launched from TOKTOK's label "V-Records"

Today, the name >>ODD<< stands for an innovative and witty electro-sound with live japanese singing.

ODD is producing very unique sounds and rhythms, which are made by manipulating the sound of the japanese language. They are deeply fascinating to the audience. Their lyrics are full of irony, dealing with everyday-life phenomena from japanese culture and society. When you think about the meaning of their lyrics, you stop dancing.

ODD reminds us of the good late 80ies and early 90ies, when videogames and gameboys were re-forming musical aesthetics and when videogamesound was a part of everyday life. Their music is a mixture of the sound of urban reality and videogames.

Daisuke PAK is inspired by techno pop and new wave artists such as YMO, Denki Groove and Kraftwerk. He is also working as a DJ, playing electro and techno music, and organizes club events called "Electric Masaru".

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