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3D Grapping Show

  • VJ Set
  • Mapping
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 3382 Vues
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3D Grapping Show
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] A weird but explosive live music set with mad mapping around. Music made with guitars and percussion, but also loop, beats and strange tecniques. Eterea Post Bong Band is playing around since 2000, but only in the last year they started to have visuals. Four musician, a sound engineer and a visual dj for a big mess!

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

For music set, we have our instruments and our sound engineer. Need mixer F.O.H. min 24 tracks (no Behringer) and 4 monitor min 350Watt.

For visuals, we have our mac and a 5000 lm projector. But, if it's possible, with a 10.000 lm projector we'll rock the house!

  • VJ Set
  • Mapping
  • Experimental Electronics


Vidéos (1)