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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 5253 Vues
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[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The wreck of the Ark lies on Ararat. Armenians look at that from the capital, far and white. Sacred things are separate and far. Sacrifice is this removal, a ritual gift, an offering that takes many forms. In the Mahabharata and Ramayana is described the horse sacrifice. The king who wants to conquer Earth, leaves an horse free to race for two years, and every land reached by it, is annexed through diplomacy or war.
The word used to tell the execution of sacrifice is "performance", same term used to describe any action where the audience is involved. But there is a subtle difference between an entertainment and a performance where a space for the sacred is created, and this difference lies in the process that moves the performer. The action opens an ecstatic space, a place and a time beyond everyday life where offering the gift is accompanied by the narration of deeds by heroes and gods. Sacrifice becomes the threshold between this world and another.
Dance and sacred dimension are connected since ever. The best-known modern research around the sacred dance dates back to the work of Gurdjieff and Jeanne De Salzmann. The interaction between man and machine in electronic live performances can be traced back to the invention of Etherophone by Leon Theremin, which is still the only musical instrument that does not require physical contact by the player. Theremin’s invention may be considered at the origin of all researches investigating touchless interaction between artist and stagecraft surrounding it: sound, lighting, projection, machines.
Thanks to technology it is possible to create direct relationships between the performer and other components of the stage; a body that becomes source of generative signs going beyond the body itself, and pervade the whole theater.

PASSWORD: theremin

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

stage, light, projector, audio system, connection cable to pc

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


Ristoranti Cinesi
Ristoranti Cinesi

Italy Rimini

Vidéos (1)