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Collective Dream

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 220 Vues
  • Aime
Collective Dream
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The entire performance is based on a dream-like exploration and the search for the inner self, perceived and shared within a collective, manifesting as a unity, a whole. The video content draws inspiration from dreams, representing an introspective journey towards understanding and connecting with oneself, yet seen as a universal and collective experience.

The audio is designed to narrate the sense of disconnection and intermittent attention we have towards our inner world. Through the use of modulated and rhythmic sounds, the piece seeks to evoke the fluctuations of emotional and mental experiences, suggesting a continuous oscillation between moments of clarity and confusion.

Objective of the Work

The primary objective of the work is to create a semi-abstract collective imagery that leads the audience into an experience of contemplation. Contemplation is intended not only as individual reflection but as a moment of collective connection, where each viewer can find a fragment of themselves.

Visual Elements

The visual elements of the performance include:

• Magma and clouds, representing the force and fluidity of thoughts and emotions.
• Liquids and microorganisms, symbols of ever-evolving life and the hidden inner world.
• Forests and floral elements, evoking nature and its intrinsic connection to the human being.
• Veiled human figures, in the form of silhouettes, blending and merging into the landscape, representing the interconnection between the individual and the surrounding environment.

This combination of sounds and images aims to transport the audience into a dream-like dimension, where the individual and the collective intertwine in a sensory and meditative experience.

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire


Ce que les artistes apportent

Touchdesigner , Modular , SOMA Lyra 8, Digitakt

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics



Digitalatium Tour
Digitalatium Tour
mercredi, 01 mai 2024

Vidéos (4)