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Dialectic in suspense

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 2329 Vues
  • Aime
Dialectic in suspense
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] “Dialectic in suspense” is a sound work about the conflicting relation between nature and human contradictory development. Natural spaces and ambient sounds mixed with human residual pollution, are combined with real time audio and data processing that shows both human and nature strategies to overcome the critical anthropocentric presence.

The work has three different movements bringing the people (public) the opportunity to enhance their environmental conscience and perspective about it.

The first is a sound landscape, takes original environments and natural sounds. These sounds, begin to be contaminated by human interventions, which are modeled as sound processes. Meanwhile, the noise generated by feedback (techniques of "no input") starts to be heard, and during the second movement the sound level of the “no input” feedback surpass the natural landscape, arriving to the anthropocene concept.

In the last movement, both nature and the human are given strategies to overcome the present crisis. On one hand, information on relevant climatic factors is taken to model sound processes in real time. On the other hand, live performers play through chains of sound parallel processes proper of the human.

With noise as source, human strategies will be referenced with a live performer processing the sound with different effects chains. Using alternatives audio routes, noise will be process though delays, looper, ring modulator, differents distortions, filters, etc, with the idea of extract differents possibles futures, sounds of a new paradigm of life. Also, in parallel, sound is processed digitally using different live-coding techniques. A pre-analysis based on MIR (Music Information Retrieval) stored in a database is combined with real-time processing and synthesis, random processes and human control via external interfaces. Also historical climate data is used to model sound in real-time. To achieve that, a custom software was developed under a collaborative initiative (

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

8 channels mixer with stereo output
4 channels mixer for no input
2 PA speakers
2 monitors speakers for performers
Video projector
1 table for laptop and equipment
1 table for pedal effects

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


Banda de Mutantes
Banda de Mutantes

Argentina Buenos Aires