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El objeto del deseo

  • AV Performance
  • Electroacoustic
  • 5630 Vues
  • Aime
El objeto del deseo
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Audiovisual performance. The work is constructed under the principles of aoucstics, interactivity, moving images, light and sound and explores the relationships between them.
Using the natural reflexes of sound the performer interacts with the natural acoustics of the space. But interactivity comes from other levels such as movement detection, and a light-sound relationship.

It is the story of a man who finds an obscure objetc of desire and his attempt to own it. Alchemy, science or magic are human attempts to understand the forces of this world, but in some cases the beauty or the power of these forces leads us to desire their complete command, although this is not always possible.

Two speakers on the scene upside down, lit. Derive their sound, the player interacts with them and therefore with the sound, with the reflections on the wall, or using his body as a bandpass filter. Tthe video takes place and interacts with the movement of the performer and the sound itself. A stage act of approx 20 minutes.

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire


8x8 space including the public, with a space in the center of 4x4 meters. for action.
Low cushions or chairs for the public placed in a semicircle. (see installation diagram)
White walls that surround the public or failing screens at least 4 x 3 m.
Basic stage lighting. (some light overhead or side). Controllable from the desk.


audio console
4 6 audio input channels.
4- 6 channel spatialization possibility,
2 front apmplified channels without box (only the horn).


video projectors (4 ideally, 2 min) similar to each other at least 2000 lumens
Mounting the projector on bases or wall at a height greater than the public. (see installation diagram)
Each projector's VGA cable to the desk.

  • AV Performance
  • Electroacoustic



Mexico Mexico City


LPM 2013 Mex
LPM 2013 Mex
jeudi, 24 janvier 2013

Vidéos (2)