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FLOOD beta

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop
  • 4767 Vues
  • Aime
FLOOD beta
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] “ Flood “ is a live performance that involves sound visualization, digital live painting and motion tracking in a continuous real time feedback loop.
Is an audiovisual journey focused on the correlation between hearing and eyesight, exploring different dimensions on a same perception level.
Music and visuals are closely linked and always in synchronization through a custom software that visualize all the musical aspect involved, from percussive sound to synthesis.

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

a VGA or HDMI beamer

3 stereo channels jack-in

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop



Italy Turin, Collegno


LPM 2014 Eindhoven
LPM 2014 Eindhoven
jeudi, 26 juin 2014

Vidéos (1)