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  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 6415 Vues
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[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] LIGHTSKIN:
Marta Romaszkan - movement
Patryk Lichota - music and light live programming

Lightskin - a dance performance in which a light composition creates an exoskeleton over the dancer's body. Light is "transmitted" wirelessly in real time, to the dancer's costume and is coupled with live feed music - creating a virtual map of the body.
Movement impairs the continuity of presence as well as visual perception, creating continuous afterimages of the body which is defragmented by light. The dancers body pulsating with luminescence, defines space and sets up its specifics.

Marta Romaszkan
majored in Philosophy/Social Communication at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Her research of movement is primarily based on Eastern martial arts - She is also a graduate of the Alternative Dance Academy od Old Brewery New Dance in Poznań (2012) with teacherrs as Lisa Nelson, Rosalind Crisp, Peter Pleyer and Cláudia Dias.
With Patryk Lichota she has created the shows Starving Mirrors which premiered during the ADM Blixem Festival in Amsterdam (2010) and Strange Lóóp presented at the Polish Dance Platform.

Patryk Lichota
is a musician, composer, improviser and radio producer. He is graduated from Cultural Studies, in addition to studying Musicology and Cognitivism at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Doctoral student in Theater departmentm – Interactive Media. Member of HAT Center - The Interdisciplinary Research Center Humanities/Art/Technology (

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

500-1000 W sound system

+ stero big jack input

+ strobe light (1500-2000 W) - optional

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics



Poland Poznań

Marta Romaszkan
Marta Romaszkan

Poland Poznań


Vidéos (1)