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  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 4167 Vues
  • Aime
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The visuals are built frame by frame digitally animated. Through geometric shapes and the chromatic scale of colors, it is possible to generate different
movements to synchronize with sounds.

We use analog and digital instruments. All the music that we create is a mix between different musical styles that goes through different states and brings a more pleasant sensation to the public.

We choose metamorphosis of the circle to show this process in an audiovisual way which will take us back to the initial form.
Everything can be transformed into Everything, because Nothing is really Nothing...

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

-audio mixer 16 channels ( 4 stereo channels)

-projector lcd best resolution 1080 y 3000 lumens con cable hdmi

-2 speakers amplified 250 watt each one with cables to connect into audio mixer
or if you already provide for the speakers we can use those ones.

-A rectangular table (2.50 meters for 70 centimeters aprox)

  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics



Spain Barcelona


LPM 2018 Rome
LPM 2018 Rome
09 // 08 juin 2018

Vidéos (2)