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  • AV Installation
  • 154 Vues
  • Aime
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Not a Same Thing to Watch: an experiment in audiovisual perception and stimulation by Half Humans and Imok

A hypothetically neutral montage, comprised of three different colors and accompanied with three different soundtracks.
Modern re-presentation of Kulesov's experiment, directed in this installation to a new and more complex exploration of filmic syntax, enriched in this case by the combination of color theory and musical commentary. Each time, the viewer actively contributes to the creation of different meanings, interacting his own personal emotions, participating with his own experience.

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

Screens / Beamer / Headphones

Ce que les artistes apportent

Video / Laptop

  • AV Installation


Diletta Ricci
Diletta Ricci

Italy Roma

Alice Antognozzi
Alice Antognozzi

Italy Rome

Half Humans
Half Humans

Italy Rome, Roma


Digitalatium Tour
Digitalatium Tour
mercredi, 01 mai 2024