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una storia di lemming/ a story about lemmings

  • VJ Set
  • Mapping
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 4488 Vues
  • Aime
una storia di lemming/ a story about lemmings
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] In 1958 Walt Disney Pictures won the Oscar for best documentary with White Wilderness, directed by James Algar. The film, which focuses on the nature of the Arctic regions, is at the center of a controversy. In one of his episodes was first described the behavior of a herd of lemmings, rodents, originating in Norway, which during the seasonal migrations tossed in the Pack in the Arctic Ocean by steep cliffs. Dizzying scenes leaps into the void created a stir in the scientific world and had taken in popular imagination, creating a vast literature on the suicidal tendencies of the rodent. Only twenty years after the CBS program revealed that the film was shot in Canada and that lemmings were chased and frightened by the crew that forced them to throw himself off a cliff, throwing overboard the more recalcitrant.
vIBRISSE/WHISKERs will launch into space from the facade of the Nuovo Cinema Aquila a new amount of lemmings, exclusively for their own personal pleasure.

Durée (minutes)


Ce qui est necessaire

Live mapping performance on the facade of Nuovo Cinema Aquila;
projector, audio system

  • VJ Set
  • Mapping
  • Experimental Electronics



LPM 2015 Rome
LPM 2015 Rome
dimanche, 31 mai 2015