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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The audiovisual installation takes its main idea from random behaviour of perspectives. It invites the spectator to an interactive audiovisual space, where one could manipulate different perspectives. The visuals and sound goes through a generative creation process where the input is randomised through computer processing. The visual input of the installation is taken from footage of the streets where the installation is located. In this case the input would be taken from the streets of Rome. Through the installation the space becomes an interactive playground where randomness and perspectives collide.

Les données

  • Nom de fichier: points-of-randomness-1_mp4.mp4
  • Taille du fichier: 27.22 MB
  • Durée du fichier: 00:01:23
  • Dimensions vidéo: 1920x1080

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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] The audiovisual installation takes its main idea from random behaviour of perspectives. It invites the spectator to an interactive audiovisual space, where one could manipulate different perspectives. The visuals and sound goes through a generative creation process where the input is randomised through computer processing. The visual input of the installation is taken from footage of the streets where the installation is located. In this case the input would be taken from the streets of Rome. Through the installation the space becomes an interactive playground where randomness and perspectives collide.


helin ulas

helin ulas

Germany Berlin


Points of Randomness

Points of Randomness



4670 vues

1 aime