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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Jerry Jerome is a visual artist and co-founder of Shiny Toys, a festival for audiovisual experiments. He is well known in the local club scene and worked as a artist and producer for several events in the region where he lives. In his projects he commonly works with projection mapping. His clear and ongoing structures are closing the gap between the sound and the screen patterns that redefine the space itself.

Les données

  • Nom de fichier: jerrjerome_0__mp4.mp4
  • Taille du fichier: 9.36 MB
  • Durée du fichier: 00:00:29
  • Dimensions vidéo: 1280x720

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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Jerry Jerome is a visual artist and co-founder of Shiny Toys, a festival for audiovisual experiments. He is well known in the local club scene and worked as a artist and producer for several events in the region where he lives. In his projects he commonly works with projection mapping. His clear and ongoing structures are closing the gap between the sound and the screen patterns that redefine the space itself.


Jerry Jerome

Jerry Jerome

Germany Mülheim




Jerry Jerome

Jerry Jerome

4908 vues

0 aime