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SHIVA Teaser

  • 2151 Vues
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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Shiva is a project in which both image and sound are subjected to generative processing. It is a rhythmic group filled with strong and pleasant sounds affecting the structure of the image. The picture itself is a picture moving in a vertical axis, which during the performance is subject to smooth and sudden modifications. The perceived synergy of image and sound deepens the impression of an audiovisual journey.

Les données

  • Nom de fichier: shiva-teaser_mp4.mp4
  • Taille du fichier: 24.45 MB
  • Durée du fichier: 00:01:14
  • Dimensions vidéo: 1920x1080

Les catégories


À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Shiva is a project in which both image and sound are subjected to generative processing. It is a rhythmic group filled with strong and pleasant sounds affecting the structure of the image. The picture itself is a picture moving in a vertical axis, which during the performance is subject to smooth and sudden modifications. The perceived synergy of image and sound deepens the impression of an audiovisual journey.


B'n'G Freaky

B'n'G Freaky

Poland Opole






4790 vues

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