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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Symphomage is an audiovisual performance based on internet-based material that reinterprets the perceived panorama of a location. We use google earth to show the material from where the performance is taking place. The same principle is applied to the soundtrack. We're going to show this material obtained through the internet with a live mash up. Our aim is to reflect on the meaning of representation: how can we build new visions and points of view of the urban landscape that otherwise go unseen by our senses and the vast amount of images that affect us every day. We're trying to interpret what a "city symphony would be like today.

Les données

  • Nom de fichier: symphomage_0__mp4.mp4
  • Taille du fichier: 19.96 MB
  • Durée du fichier: 00:01:01
  • Dimensions vidéo: 1920x1080

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À propos de

[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Symphomage is an audiovisual performance based on internet-based material that reinterprets the perceived panorama of a location. We use google earth to show the material from where the performance is taking place. The same principle is applied to the soundtrack. We're going to show this material obtained through the internet with a live mash up. Our aim is to reflect on the meaning of representation: how can we build new visions and points of view of the urban landscape that otherwise go unseen by our senses and the vast amount of images that affect us every day. We're trying to interpret what a "city symphony would be like today.


Matteo Stocco

Matteo Stocco

Italy Dolo






4837 vues

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