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Diego Labonia
[Texte disponible uniquement en anglais] Diego Labonia, in Dielab art, is technical director, light artist and founder of RGB Light Experience. It grows in the analogue era between transistors, cables and cassettes, feeding a digital instinct from VIC20 onwards.

After having founded LUCI OMBRE, a company that deals with cultural events, begins to develop urban lighting projects including Radiolaser.
In 2015, for RGB, he realized the Reflex Mirror Lighting installation.


vendredi, 01 décembre 2017 // lundi, 04 décembre 2017

MACRO // Foyer lights

mardi, 05 décembre 2017 // jeudi, 07 décembre 2017

MACRO // Auditorium

MACRO // Foyer lights

vendredi, 08 décembre 2017

MACRO // Foyer lights